Ein Bistrorestaurant, wie es sein sollte: lockere Atmosphäre, freundliche Bedienung, wirklich gute Küche, angemessene Preise, Rauchersalon, schöner Außenbereich.
Restaurant Weyers
The crowd-puller on Ludwigkirchplatz has been a classic neighborhood eatery with a German twist for many years. In a prime neighborhood location, far from the tourist hustle and bustle, Weyers is a gem and even a cult on Ludwigkirchplatz. Long evenings are pre-programmed. Then you sit like in the park and enjoy seasonal specialties, well-tempered wines and freshly tapped cool beer.
Our fresh, seasonal cuisine is characterized by the best ingredients from local suppliers at a good price-quality ratio.
Food & Beverages
Enjoy your breakfast relaxing on our outdoor terrace, regularly discover new culinary impressions through our changing daily and seasonal dishes, or discover your new favorite dish in our excellent menu.
How to find us
Restaurant Weyers
Pariser Straße 16
10719 Berlin
Phone: 030 881 93 78
E-Mail: contact@weyers-restaurant.de